Healthy and Fresh Menu
Sharon Academy is committed to providing children with healthy, fresh food options. We know the importance of quality nutrition on a child’s growth, development, and learning. Our in-house chef prepares a well-balanced breakfast snack, lunch, and afternoon snack each day. We serve only organic milk with breakfast and lunch each day. A variety of fresh fruits and vegetables are served in order to assist in building healthy habits for our children. All sandwiches are served on whole wheat bread. Our meals and snacks meet the requirements as defined by the USDA for children ages zero to five. Children are served appropriate portions based on the recommended dietary allowances.

Allergy and Intolerance Accommodations
As we strive to meet the needs of each wonderful child, we ensure that children who have allergies or a food intolerance are given a substitute of the same nutritional value. Due to the increase in nut allergies, Sharon Academy is a nut-free school.

Foundation of Healthy Living
Our children are constantly learning, exploring, and growing; mealtime is no exception. During our three mealtimes, children are learning the components of a well-balanced meal. Through exposure to the variety provided by the chef-selected menu, children experience opportunities to try new foods and develop new “favorites.” Our nutrition program works to instill healthy habits from a young age as quality nutrition is crucial in developing the whole child.