Welcome to our infant classrooms!
Our infant program is designed to create a warm, loving, and secure environment for all of our babies. Walking into our infant classrooms, it is evident that our teachers find true joy in creating a safe place for exploration and growth. Our teachers spend a lot of time rocking, cuddling, soothing, and talking to the babies. We know active engagement is imperative; teachers continuously expose our littlest learners to new vocabulary, new sign language, and new experiences. Our teachers are in constant communication with families in order to ensure that children are well cared for and parents are updated regularly.
The infant rooms include a play area full of stimulating and developmentally appropriate toys and books. Our babies are encouraged to develop at their own pace; each child is working on their goals based on their own specific needs. Teachers sing songs and read stories to encourage language acquisition. They pass balls, assist with large climbing blocks, and play games to develop motor skills. Each day, our infants enjoy time outdoors on our infant playground. Our infant playground is designed to allow our infants to meet their gross-motor and fine-motor milestones, promote positive social interactions, and encourage children to find joy in the outdoors.